Dennis gives free workshops, presentations and consultations. Below are some he has held. If you'd like him to visit your area, just ask. Dennis will run a free The Joy of Speaking, early in 2004. Let us know you would love to learn more about communicating to people - or lots of them.

Dennis' next presentation is on key Spiritual Principles – fun, practical ideas that you may not be using, many of which are referred to on this site – that we can use to make things go right in our lives.


We’re told to get an education, find a job, make money and if that doesn’t work out, take the dole or government benefits. Why weren’t we taught to discover what’s in our heart, why we are here, who we really are, what our own purpose in life is, how to find our passion and true joy and how to make that our life’s ‘work’?  All these questions will be answered on this special Saturday.

Dennis Stevenson is your coach to a new life. He is a professional, award winning speaker, MC [Master of Ceremonies], life coach, business trainer, traveller, debater, philosopher and humourist. Interviewed hundreds of times on radio, television and for print media, Dennis lives his dream!

A few comments about Den’s workshops: "Many thanks for your remarkably valuable information (and your extraordinary personal efforts). I got so much out of it. Andrew."  "Thank you for your awesome workshop! Tesla."  "I truly valued your simplistic ways of conversation and the content was powerful. I enjoyed meeting new friends. Alicia.’ ‘Thank you very much for this amazing workshop and for a great weekend. Jose."  "A terrific, fun filled weekend of learning. Fascinating topic. Karen."  "Awesome information. Leanne."

Saturday Workshops  (day or afternoon) 1pm – 5pm or 10am – 5pm

Tues / Thur Presentations  (2 hours)  7pm – 9pm

Courses and talks are in various locations.

All are free.

Possible Workshops (contact Dennis)

Speaking – increase your confidence in speaking to people, whether to one or a thousand.

Creating the ideal relationship – finding a great partner and/or building a special relationship.

Discover your Life's Purpose – the key to happiness.

How to create the job you love – go beyond just working for money.

How to start your own business – step by step creativity. This also benefits existing business operators.

How to get things for free, including a house – the many ways to get things without using money. See the list on the left 'Living for free...'

Can Dennis help you? (entirely free)

I have been fortunate in my life to have gained skills I love to use to give people a helping hand. Main passions of mine are giving talks, workshops and personal consultations to help people review what they do in their lives.

I’ve helped people get a job, gain a simple understanding of physical and mental health, relationships and other daily challenges. I discuss practical and effective solutions to various business, financial, lawful and educational matters. All very informal with no charge. It's my passion.

Over the years, I've run  free weekend workshop for 80 people, held a one day 'Communication' Workshop and others since then. In February 2017, I ran a free business workshop. Let me know if I can give a group talk or run a workshop for you.

I often receive phone calls from people who need a hand. Call me if I can help. Ask to record the call.

My experience comes from being a business consultant, Member of Parliament, life coach, police officer, Master of Ceremonies (compere), personal consultant, military intelligence instructor and as a writer and trainer, covering subjects such as taking effective action, how to learn, public speaking, sales, starting a business, doing what you love, etc.

I had regularly been at the Sunday Organic Market at Miami High School on Gold Coast Highway from 6am to noon, when I have a car. There, at my 'FREE BOOKS' stand, I give free consultations, mostly to ‘Discover your Life’s Purpose’. To help people increase their knowledge, I give away positive books, magazines and audio CD's. Children have 3 rocking horses, an obstacle course, slippery dip, free books, free pets (soft toys) and educational games. I also blow bubbles, which I claim is for the children.

I've give great hardcover 'coffee table' books to nursing homes, and educational books to small schools.

If I can help, see 'Contact Us'  The email messages come directly to me. 

How to give free lectures and workshops

A real education comes with gaining useful knowledge and practical skills.

1.   Think about the skills and knowledge you have. What knowledge would you really enjoy sharing with people? You don't need formal training. You just need to be passionate about your subject.

2.   Plan your talk on a sheet of paper. Have an introduction, no more than 3 main points in the body of the talk and a brief summary at the end. Give a talk thus, "Tell em what you're going to tell em." "Tell em." Then "Tell em what you told em."

3.   Keep it short: 20 to 45 minutes. As you improve, you can expand to 90 or 120 minutes. Keep in mind that you can present useful data in just 5 to 10 minutes.

4.   Find a friend who wants to help. While you plan and practice your talk, they can promote it and collect names.

5.   Draw up a promo. sheet. Use a 5 - 12 word heading in a LARGE font - then list half a dozen dot points. Say who you are and why you like the subject. List when, where and times. START AND END ON TIME. Tell people how to book in. Give clear contact details.

6.   Advertise your free talk. People can give contributions if they wish.

7.   Find someone with a large enough home or nice garage to fit 10 to 20 people. Or perhaps find a small hall or room you can use for free.

8.   DON'T READ YOUR TALK! Talk for as long as you're comfortable in glancing at key points on a card. Then use the extra time to answer questions. 

9.   Always record your talks and workshops. Preferably video but at least audio. You never know when you'll give a very special talk that people would love to hear or watch later. Listening or watching your own talks helps you improve.

10. This is the way most professional speakers began their careers.

11. Have a fabulous time sharing love!